Current Works
Other Projects and Presentations
EuroSciPy 2019 Keynote (Bilbao, Spain)
HPC and Python: Intel’s work in enabling the scientific computing community (September 2019), presented a keynote to 350 attendees on Intel's Open Source work in the Python community, highlighting the topic of culture change in Open Source, HPC, and for Intel itself. The presentation covered the best methods found for contributing to Open Source as well as a method to generating culture change within one's own organization.
Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium (RMACC) 2018 (Boulder, CO)
Achieving High-Performance Python in Modern HPC Workflows (August 2018), presented to 30+ attendees on Modern HPC techniques with Python, showcasing many of the advanced vectorization tools to those in simulation and physics modeling. Created all the presentation content and delivered the workshop solo.
EuroPython 2018 (Edinburgh, UK)
Addressing Multithreading & Multiprocessing in Transparent & Pythonic Ways (August 2018), presented to 170+ attendees at the EuroPython 2018 Conference. Created all the presentation content and delivered the talk solo.
Best Practices for a blazing fast Machine Learning Pipeline (August 2018), a 3-hour workshop presented to EuroPython's Machine Learning developers on the best practices of end-to-end machine learning acceleration methods, preprocessing flows, and scaling out methods. Created all presentation content and delivered solo to a class of 75+ attendees.
SciPy 2018 (Austin, TX)
Addressing Multithreading & Multiprocessing in Transparent & Pythonic Methods (July 2018), presented to 200+ attendees at the SciPy 2018 Conference. Created the presentation content with the demo produced by the co-presenter.
Virtual Institute - High Productivity Supercomputing 2017 (Paris, France)
Achieving High Performance Python* in Modern HPC Workflows (October 2017), presented to many of Western Europe's HPC developers and scientists at the TERATEC Campus of Commissariat à l'énergie atomique in Paris, FR. Created all content and delivered content to a class of over 30 people (workshop max of 30 attendees).
Stanford University (Stanford, CA)
High performance math, science, and engineering kernels using the Intel® Distribution for Python* and Intel® Performance Libraries (August 2017), presented as a component of the Stanford ME344 curriculum in Stanford, CA. Created all content and presented to a class of over 60 people.
EuroPython 2017 (Rimini, Italy)
A Hands-on approach to tuning Python applications for performance (July 2017), presented at EuroPython 2017 in Rimini, Italy to over 70 attendees. Created all of the 3-hour content and curriculum, and delivered in collaboration with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, covering advanced Python vectorization techniques and code profiling.
Infrastructure design patterns with Python, Buildbot, and Linux Containers (July 2017), presented at EuroPython 2017 in Rimini, Italy to over 100 attendees. Created and authored all content and methods displayed in presentation.